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This term in art we have been looking at the artist Frankie Greig. We began by exploring his multi-media portraits before develpoing our oil pastel, chalk pastel and charcoal skills when sketching facial features. We then explored pattern before creating our final piece- a mixed-media self-portrait in the style of Frankie Greig.

A song from our play - The Wind in the Willows

Still image for this video
Here we are singing our favourite song from the play.
Thank you to all the families for the support with learning lines and songs.
We hope you enjoyed the performance this week.
From the Year 3 & 4 team

The water cycle- In science, we have been looking at states of mater. For our lesson this week, we looked at the water cycle. The children worked in teams to piece together parts of the cycle drawn from memory before drawing and labelling the final diagram in their books.

Computing- this week in computing, we have been using Turtle Academy to explore coding. The children have been using the repeat command and their knowledge of shape to create codes for various shapes. They then went on to explore how they can use this to develop patterns.

DT- Designing and making LED cards. This term in DT we have been designing and making light-up LED cards. Building on our science knowledge of electric circuits. We firstly, began by exploring electric circuits with copper tape before designing and making our own designs. We look forward to taking these home and showing people our hard work.

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