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Year 5 Carol Singing at Petypher House and KBS Cafe

On Thursday 12th and Monday 16th December, Willow, Poplar and Maple Class sang carols for the residents at Petypher House and people from across the village at KBS cafe. The children sang beautifully and the songs were enjoyed by everyone! A very big thank you to everyone at Petypher House  and KBS Cafe for making us feel so welcome (and for the lovely treats we all enjoyed afterwards!)

This year, as part of our harvest celebrations, we have made tea-light candle holders in the shape of autumnal leaves.

In History this week, after learning more about life in Britain for those not fighting in the war, we made our own propaganda posters.

Science- This week, we build on our learning from year 4 and explored how nutrients is absorbed into the blood through the process of digestion. We created some excellent information posters.

This term in art, we are looking at the work of Jaqueline Hurley. She is known for being the countries war artist and has commemorated memorial pieces to be displaced in the Royal Albert Hall on Remembrance day. We began by exploring her work before developing our sketching skills. We then replicated her style to sketch WW1 scenes, in line with this terms topic, before creating poppies using tissue paper.

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