By law, we are expected to teach British Values.
At John Blandy, we teach British Values explicitly, but they are also clearly demonstrated in the actions and activities that we carry out on a day-to-day basis.
There are 5 British Values:
British Values will be taught explicitly through our PSHE and RE lessons, we also teach British Values through our school assemblies.
Our everyday language will model British Values, for example, in the way that we talk and speak to others.
Children are also exposed to British Values through activities, for example, each year at the start of term, we will expose children to Democracy through the voting in of our House Captains, School Council, Eco Council and Sports leaders.
This week in assembly, we focused on the British Values of Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day. Whilst we did not go into detail about the atrocities of the Holocaust, we discussed how everyone should be treated with respect and have an understanding and tolerance for someone else's beliefs.
The children were reminded of how previously we have discussed how black people in America were segregated for the colour of their skin and that we should show respect.
All of the children watch Pixar's For the Birds, reminding that we should show kindness to others.
KS2 then watched the BBC clip where a survivor of the Holocaust talks to some children of how he was treated differently.
In September each year, the children vote in new House Captains for their team. The prospective House Captains prepare a speech to deliver to their house and the children of that house vote in who they would like to be the Year 6 representative.
In our country, we have many laws that are there to keep us safe. People are expected to follow these laws.
Within our school we have 3 Principles that we expect the children to follow:
Be Ready
Be Safe
Be Kind
We talk about these principles with the children. They may be heard in our assemblies, our classrooms and our play.
We also expect the children to keep their hands and feet to themselves.
These simple rules and principles ensure that our school is a happy place to learn and play.