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Forest School

Forest School Handbook

Forest School at John Blandy


Forest School is a long-term approach to education, which maximises the benefits of learning in the outdoors. It puts the learner at the heart of their learning experience. Over repeated visits, children are encouraged to engage with the rich natural diversity of the woodland environment to help build confidence, sensitivity, resilience and curiosity. 


With the help of some of our parents and Mrs Hardy (who is currently training to be a Forest School Leader), a Forest School Area has been created on our school grounds. 


Typical activities include:


  • Sensory walks

  • Foraging

  • Shelter building

  • Mini beast hunts

  • Tree climbing

  • Campfire cooking

  • Woodwork

  • Nature art

  • Games like Hide and Seek

  • Fire building and lighting

  • Puddle and mud jumping


Creating Spider Webs

Bug Hunting

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