We want all of our children to be active at breaktimes and lunchtimes. The Sports Leaders organise and look after the play equipment. They also are key to ensuring our Sports Day runs smoothly and efficiently.
Elm - Dayna & Samuel
Horse Chestnut - Hugo & Bear
Rowan - Jessica & Stanley
Cedar - Jacob & Leo
Sycamore - Freddie & Josh
Walnut - Riley & Leo
Maple - Benjamin & Ruairi
Poplar - Oakley & Theo
Willow - Harry & Josie
Elm - Gabriel & Darcey
Horse Chestnut - Teddy & Eliza
Rowan - Eloise & Joshua
Walnut - Jack & Benny
Cedar - Chaise & Jasmine
Sycamore - Ollie & Elena
Maple - Senna & Roari
Willow - Arabella
Year 6: Charlie, Emilia & George
Year 5: Levi & Reuben
Year 4: Lottie & Blake
Year 3: Bradley, Oscar & Ollie
Year 2: Bella & Leo