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"Leaders are determined that pupils will develop brilliance across the curriculum. They want all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils to find ‘their something special to shine in’. Consequently, pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum."


(Ofsted November 2021)

Curriculum Intent


Belong. Believe. Brilliant.


Our aim is to grow flourishing learners who have a sense of belonging to their school community, believe in themselves and others and aim to be as brilliant as they can be. 


At John Blandy our curriculum is based on reading. We believe that all learning can stem from experiencing and understanding high quality, challenging and engaging texts. Through our key texts, our aim is to develop a love of literature and a passion for reading; inspiring our children to engage with the breadth of the curriculum. 


Our foundation subjects are seen of equal importance to the core subjects. Where foundation subjects link, connections will be made. Alongside developing core knowledge and skills, we aim to grow excited learners who ask questions, have opportunities to recap and grow their knowledge and understanding, becoming confident individuals prepared for the next step of their journey. 


We promote our school values and our vision through our curriculum and embed these through assemblies and celebrations, to ensure that we encourage the ‘whole child’ to develop and grow



Our curriculum approach is found through our curriculum intent, SEND policy, equalities objectives and accessibility plan. 


Each term, class teachers will share a 'Curriculum Overview' that details the text being studied and the links to curriculum subjects that will be covered. You will also find these webs under each class page.


If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please speak to your child's teacher. 

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