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Our parents and carers letter for the autumn term

Our curriculum overview for the autumn term

Tuesday 17th December DT Lesson Mechanisms on a Card

In DT, we learnt about mechansims and how they can be used. We designed a Christmas card and created a slider mechanism on the card for the reader to enjoy. We had lots of fun making them, especially as the design criteria involved making a Christmas card.

Friday 22nd November English Lesson Re-telling a story

We have based our learning on the book 'I want my hat back' in English this week. To help us retell the story, we created puppets and re-told the story with our partner. It was great fun bringing the characters to life with our own voices and imaginations. 

Tuesday 19th November PE Lesson Fitness Games

We began to learn about fitness in PE and how important it is so we can grow up to be healthy. We played some fitness games that involved us counting in 2s, 5s and 10s which helped us to build our fitness over time. It was amazing to see that our heart started to beat faster when we worked really hard with our running and it became slower again when we stopped and did some breathing exercises. 

Monday 18th November Maths Lesson Recognising 2D Shapes

In Maths, we began to learn about 2D shapes and recognising them by looking at the number of sides and vertices a 2D shape has. We create pictures called Tangrams and then had to explain which 2D shapes we had used.

Wednesday 6th November Maths Lesson Tens and Ones

During our Maths lesson, we used manipulatives called Deines to help us see tens and ones of any number below 100. We partitioned the numbers into tens and ones and showed this in many different ways.

Tuesday 5th November Firework Artwork

On our first day back after half term, we learnt about Bonfire Night and why we celebrate it each year. Also, we learnt about how we can be safe on Bonfire Night. We used oil pastels to create fireworks on our pieces of paper.

Friday 18th October Science Lesson Reviewing Our Learning

Our final science lesson of the term was to consolidate all the fantastic learning we had done so far on seasons and why they change throughout our year. We had a carousel of activities on offer to us to help us remember our learning. We moved round them in groups and completed the activity so it can be recorded in our science floor book. We enjoyed science this term and can not wait to see where our learning journey takes us in Term 2.

Monday 14th October English Lesson Different Synonyms For Verbs

During our english lesson, we learnt what a verb is and when to use them within a sentence. Then, we learnt that verbs can have synonyms, where they are different words but mean the same thing. We played a game to help us act out the verb but then we used a whiteboard to write another word that meant the same as the verb we had landed on. It was very tricky but we showed resilience and had fun playing the game.

Wednesday 4th October Science Lesson Leaf Identification

During our science lesson, we went onto the school field and looked for signs of Autumn. We used a tree identification chart to help us identify the different trees on our school field by looking at the size and shapes of the leaves. We had lots of fun finding the leaves and seeing which ones had already changed colour!

Thursday 26th September Geography Lesson Position On A Map

During our geopgraphy lesson, we learnt about compass points North, East, South and West. With our new found positional knowledge, we tried to find different locations on a map by turning in those directions. 

Thursday 26th September Maths Lesson Ordering Numbers

During our maths lesson, we looked at a range of numbers and used whiteboards to order the numbers from smallest to largest and largest to smallest. It was fun working with bigger numbers and using Deines and Numicon to help us represent the numbers before we ordered them.

Wednesday 17th September Art Lesson Landscape Painting

For our Art topic this term, we based our learning round the famous landscape artist J M W Turner. During this lesson, we were given an outline of his famous painting and used water colours to transform them into paintings. We had lots of fun using water colours and using our imaginations to bring Turner's paintings to life.

Thursday 5th September Maths Lesson Representing numbers

During our maths lesson, we looked at a range of numbers and used whiteboards to show these numbers in different way. First, we recognised the number, then we thought about how could we show that number in as many ways as we could. It was fun working with different partners and solving problems together.

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