"Strong relationships underpin life at John Blandy. Leaders know every family within this village school. Staff provide a high level of care to each other, parents and the pupils."
(Ofsted November 2021)
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will have to make as a parent. We hope that you will find the website useful with all of the information that you need to know.
However, we also recognise the importance of gaining a feel for the school by seeing the teaching and learning in action. Therefore, we warmly welcome in our prospective parents.
Visits can be arranged by contacting the school office.
"We just wanted to say how happy we have been with John Blandy and how glad we are we chose to send **** here, he is thriving and we feel he is really happy that he is safe and happy and well cared for."
(Reception parent 2021)
On this page you will find full details of our school admissions policy, including our criteria for admissions, how to apply for a place at our school and our oversubscription criteria.
You will also find information about how you can find out more about our admissions policy and how to appeal if you are unhappy with the school place you are offered for your child.