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Homework Fun!


Below are some literacy tasks that your child will bring home. 

Please share in the Home-Link-book how you are being inspired.

Maybe a shared book on animal tracks encouraged you to go to the woods, or a book about baking made you make a cake!

Enjoy sharing these homework tasks.


You will receive Read Write Inc handwriting sheets for your child to practise. Writing in sand, on whiteboards, fingers in paint and sticks in mud are all fun ways of practising your letter formation too!

Your child may bring home a non-word book to develop their story telling and communication skills. These books are fantastic to help with discussing the feelings of others, through the characters, as well as sharing children's thoughts and feelings. These books also develop children's knowledge and understanding of the world. Below are the names of some of the characters you will meet.

When your child is confident at recognising set 1 sounds and can blend cvc words they will be ready to take home there first RWI book.

You can support your child's reading and writing by sounding out words (Fred talk) for your child to blend. Play eye spy. Use fridge magnetic letters to make words and play word making games.

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