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Our parents and carers letter for the spring term

Our curriculum overview for the spring term

Wednesday 10th January English Lesson Making a List

In English, we listened to the first part of our new story 'The Great Explorer" by Chris Judge. We listened to what Tom had taken on his trip and we discussed what we would need to take with us if we went on an adventure. 

Friday 12th January WOW Morning Polar Explorers

Monday 15th January English Lesson Retelling a story 'The Great Explorer'

We used our story maps we created on Friday to help us retell the story 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge. In our groups, we thought of actions and facial expressions to bring the story to life. Then, we showed the class our 'freeze frames' from different parts of the story.

Tuesday 16th January Art Lesson Sketching Fruit in the style of Paul Cezanne

During our Art lessons this term, we have been focusing our learning around the artist Paul Cezanne. We were tasked with sketching an apple, that was on our table, in the style of Paul Cezanne. Mr Coard modelled how to sketch an apple, using the different techniques we learnt last lesson. We had lots of fun and can't wait to create our final piece of art. 

Monday 29th January Year 1 Maths Counting in 10s

We used a range of physcial resources to help us count in tens to create numbers.

Monday 5th February Art Lesson Paul Cezanne Fruit Artwork

During our Art lessons, we have been focusing our learning on Paul Cezanne and his impressonist style of painting and drawing. We designed our back ground and drew our  own fruit for our project. Once drawn, we used oil pastels to create patterns on the back ground and to add texture to our fruit, using a mix of different colours to add detail to the apples. We hope you enjoy looking at our art work.

Monday 19th February Year 1 Maths Measuring

In Year 1, we were introduced to the concept of measuring. First, we used multi-link to measure a range of different items around the classroom. We had lots of fun trying to be as accurate as possible and comparing the size of different objects.

Thursday 22nd February English Drama A Squash and a Squeeze

We have been reading 'A Squash and a Squeeze' by Julia Donaldson so we got into the role of the Little Old Woman and a different animal and acted out the book. We took it in turns to change roles and we used our acting skills to help bring the story to life. 

World Book Day 2024

We had such a fantastic day for World Book Day 2024! We made dressed up in our favourite book characters and wrote our very own stories about anything we wanted. In the afternoon, Ms Skeet helped us create storybook boxes and allowed us to be as creative as we liked!

Monday 11th March Maths Lesson Recognising Coins

In Maths, we worked with our partner to recognise different coins we use in the U.K. Then, we ordered them from smallest to largest in size and value. It was fun to investigate whether the size of the coin matches the value of the coin. I wonder if we can help out with the weekly shopping now we are experts with coins?

Thursday 14th March D.T Lesson Evaluating Fruit

During our first D.T lesson, we were asked to evaluate different types of fruit ready for our next project. We used a range of sensory vocabulary such as juicy, sour and sharp to describe why we liked or disliked a piece of fruit. Some of us liked all the fruit whilst others were not as keen but were very brave and tried it anyway. 

On Wednesday 20th March, we went on a school trip to Farmer Gow's Farm, Longcot. We had such an amazing time, holding one week old chicks, feeding lambs, stroking and meeting ewes, piglets and turkeys. Then, we went on a farm trail and fed some calves and sheep as well as walking past the geese. Thank you to all the staff at Farmer Gow's and our amazing parent helpers. We had such a fantastic day!

Thursday 28th March Fruit Chocolate Easter Bird Nests

During our D.T lessons, we designed and made fruit chocolate baskets. First, we designed what our nests would look like and decided what ingredients we wanted to use. Then, we gathered our ingredients together and then made them with Mr Coard and Mrs Black. We had lots of fun making them and can't wait to eat them at home with our families. 

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