We are incredibly lucky as a school to have such an active Friends Committee, who are keen to put on many exciting events for both the school and village to raise money for the children of John Blandy Primary School.
The Friends of John Blandy is an association of parents, teachers and community members committed to providing extra-curricular events and resources for the children of John Blandy School. Each academic year, we host the following events that are great fun AND raise funds to purchase resources.
All teachers, parents or carers automatically become a friend of John Blandy and can get involved with helping around the school, organising fun events for the children and raising additional funds to help supplement resources and activities for them.
Across England school budgets have been cut. That's why Friends plays such an integral part in the school community, raising much needed school funds to ensure John Blandy is a well-resourced school and our children can all achieve their full potential and receive the highest quality education.
Second Hand Uniform Sales
New Parents Coffee Morning
School Lottery
Film nights
Halloween Disco
Eco Kids Clothes Collection
Bonfire Night
The Christmas Fair
Christmas Cards
Blandy Boffins Quiz Night
Fashion Show
Class Cake Sales
The Summer Fair
End of Year Disco
Attend committee meetings – have your say and meet other parents
Volunteer to help at events - and join the fun
Sign up to the school lottery – for a chance to win cash prizes
Register with Easyfundraising.org.uk – and raise money while you shop
If you’d like to join the committee, volunteer to help at the events above, or have new ideas for us, email johnblandyfriends@gmail.com
Co-Chairs – Jenny King & Nina Davis
Secretary – Position available
Treasurer – Sarah Stickland
Publicity –