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Our parents and carers letter for the spring term

Our curriculum overview for the spring term

A trip to the farm!

On Wednesday 20th, Year 1/2 visited Farmer Gow's farmyard! We had the best day ever. It was so much fun getting to stroke the lambs, piglets and chicks. We had fun climbing and completing a treasure hunt on the giant hay bales!

World Book Day

On Friday 8th March we celebrated World Book Day. We spent the day writing our own adventure stories, eating tasty cake and making story boxes!


Art inspired by Paul Cezanne:

This term we have been learning all about the famous artist Paul Cezanne. We explored how to use our pencils to create different styles of mark. Next, we created a still life set up and sketched it in our sketch books. We learned about complementary colours and then created our final pieces. We think they look amazing- what do you think?

DT- Building structures

In D.T lessons we looked at existing structures within our school grounds. We spotted the trim trail, reception climbing frame and the sun canopy. After exploring some different types of joins we had a go at creating our own structures using a range of materials and ways of joining.

Maths Learning in Rowan

This term Year One children have been looking at the composition of numbers within 50. Year two children have been learning how to multiply and divide by 2, 5 and 10. We love our maths lessons and are super independent at getting resources to help support our learning!

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