Admission Policy Overview
This Admissions Policy covers the Primary schools in the Faringdon Learning Trust (FLT):
These admission arrangements take account of all relevant legislation and the School Admissions Code of Practice for Oxfordshire as set out by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC).
Our aim is to ensure that every parent of a child living in the catchment area, who has applied for a place in the normal admission round, receives an offer of a place in our Academy. Where this is not practical to achieve in any given year of entry we will use admission arrangements that are fair and objective (e.g. local housing growth that takes admissions beyond our physical capacity.)
Admissions amendment to be applied from September 2021
In June 2021the DfE provided guidance around internationally adopted previously looked after children (IAPLAC), to be adopted and applied from September 2021. The Board of Trustees adopted this amendment in June 2021 for implementation. Please find the guidance above, to be read in conjunction with our Admissions policy.