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Autumn 2023


This term in DT we have been learning about levers and linkages. We designed our own moving mechanism using levers and linkages before making it using card, coloured paper, and split pins. We are very happy with our mechanisms, check some of them out below: 




We have been learning about Christianity and the symbolism of Christmas this term in RE. As part of our learning, we explored how Christians use Christingles to celebrate Jesus as the Light of the World, usually during Advent. We also learnt what each part of the Christingles represented before making our own.



Music: Learning to play 'When the Saints' on the glockenspiels


In Art this term, we have been learning all about William Morris. We started by trying to print some of his repeated pattern designs, before designing and printing our own designs. 

Here are our attempts at printing William Morris' designs: 


Here are our own designs. We used two colours and alternated them to make a repeated pattern. Our drawings were based around nature, inspired by William Morris. 

English: Tea staining paper for our letter writing

Computing (26.10.23): Exploring differences between drawing using felt-tips and drawing using a digital device

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